At saMas Charity – we envision a future where every child has equal access to education, free from financial barriers. At the heart of our mission is the commitment to enroll children who have never had the opportunity to experience formal education.

Amazing 30 Months

What We Do…

saMas Charity – Kids Education Program is a dedicated initiative aimed at supporting students across various cities with their school-related expenses.

This comprehensive support includes covering monthly fees and annual charges, ensuring that the financial barriers to education are minimized for these children.

Each year, we also provide students with a course pack, equipping them with the necessary learning materials for their academic journey. Understanding the importance of uniformity and belonging, our program includes the provision of school uniforms, fostering a sense of community and pride among the students.



Navish Pervaiz

My name is Navish, residing in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Since 2022, I’ve been part of the saMas Charity program. Despite my family’s warmth, we lacked material wealth, making education seem out of reach. However, discovering the saMas Charity education program changed everything. It not only offered financial support but also provided books, uniforms, and a mentor. Thriving in this nurturing environment, I excelled academically and became a beacon in my community, advocating for the program. With my newfound knowledge, I aspire to become a doctor, aiming to uplift those in need. saMas ignited a flame of hope and ambition within me that will guide me for years to come.

Educational Disparities in South Asia: Challenges and Insights

In South Asia, girls are 2X more likely than boys to never set foot in a classroom. This highlights the significant gender disparities in educational access within the country.

In South Asia, children from underprivileged backgrounds often begin their schooling significantly behind their peers. While specific data like the “18 months” figure from the U.S. might not directly translate, the general trend of educational inequality is a critical issue.

A substantial proportion of children living in poverty in South Asia lack access to early childhood education, such as preschool. This lack mirrors the situation in the U.S., where 2 in 5 children in poverty had no preschool access.

Following the COVID-19 lockdown, almost 10 million children globally, with a considerable number in South Asia, may never return to school. This statistic underscores the profound impact of the pandemic on education, particularly in countries like Pakistan where educational access is already challenged.

saMas Cares

Maheen Abid resumed her educational journey post-COVID crisis, a challenging time when her father encountered severe financial difficulties. With a deep passion for art and a desire to excel in this field, Maheen’s aspirations seemed distant until saMas Charity stepped in.

By taking on the responsibility of her educational expenses, saMas Charity has made it possible for her to attend school and actively pursue her love for art, thus enabling her to fulfill her dreams and hone her talents.

Zainab Irfan, together with her younger sister, is now attending school, thanks to saMas Charity covering all their school and study expenses. As children of a single parent, this support has been a significant relief for their mother. Zainab, a bright and eager student, is thriving in her studies and showing great promise.

The opportunity to receive a quality education is shaping a hopeful future for both sisters, opening doors to new possibilities and dreams.

Abeeha, Arham & Rohan’s Journey with saMas Charity

Sana Zubair, a dedicated mother to three wonderful children—Abeeha, Arham, and Rohan—faces numerous challenges in ensuring the best for her family. Despite these difficulties, her journey as a parent has been immensely rewarding, largely due to the invaluable educational support her children have received from saMas Charity.

This assistance has been a crucial factor in her family’s life, helping Sana provide her children with the opportunities they need to thrive.

Grade-Level Competency Test (GLCT)

See the Happenings


The Grade-Level Competency Test (GLCT) was specifically conducted for students receiving educational support from saMas Charity throughout their academic years. These tests were organized in three key Pakistani cities: Lahore, Karachi, and Multan. Tailored to assess students from grades 1 to 8, the initiative was meticulously orchestrated in a physical setting, with Team saMas playing an integral role. Students benefiting from saMas Charity’s support were invited to designated examination centers in these cities. The primary objective of the GLCT was to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the academic proficiency of each student at their respective grade levels. This assessment was particularly vital in ensuring that the educational standards and learning objectives are consistently met, thereby contributing significantly to the educational advancement of students supported by saMas Charity in Lahore, Karachi, and Multan.

Our Beneficiaries Speak

I never imagined that my children would have the opportunity to pursue their education until we were introduced to saMas Charity. As a father of two, it was heartbreaking to see my children’s potential limited by our financial situation. However, saMas Charity has been a beacon of hope for us. They stepped in and provided not just educational funding, but a whole support system for my kids, Anabya Umar & Anaya Umar.


Muhammad Umar

Father of Anabya & Anaya | South Zone

Before we discovered saMas Charity, I constantly worried about my children’s education. As a single mother, it was a struggle to manage the financial burden of school fees and supplies. Then, saMas Charity stepped in and transformed our lives. Thanks to their support, my two children, Zainab and Harram, have not only been able to continue their schooling, but they are thriving academically.


Sonia Irfan

Mother of  Zainab & Harram  | North Zone

I’m really thankful for the support saMas Charity has given us. They do more than just pay for my kids’ school fees and yearly charges. They also provide course packs and other financial help. This support from SaMas has made my kids more eager to learn and work hard. The team from saMas keeps in touch with us and always encourages us. This makes my children feel special and part of something bigger.


Tasleem Safdar

Mother of M. Zain, Hussnain, Hussain & Faiza | North Zone

Syed Ali Bilgrami

The Founder of saMas Charity


saMas Team and I started this charity with one single mission. To make sure that children in our familiar neighborhoods are not left behind in getting education.

You my dear, along with your lovely parents, are helping us in achieving our mission.

Bring Dreams to Life

Unlocking the door to a brighter future, educational support for kids is the key to their limitless potential.

saMas Charity operates in two distinct zones: the North Zone and the South Zone.

North Zone

The saMas Kids’ Education Program provides support to numerous students in the North Zone, including Lahore and Rawalpindi. Our primary mission is to assist children in affording their educational expenses.

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South Zone

The saMas Kids’ Education Program provides support to numerous students in the South Zone, including Multan and Karachi. Our primary mission is to assist children in affording their educational expenses.

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Educational Support

Quality education is an inherent right of every child, and we are tirelessly committed to ensuring that every young mind has the best opportunities to access an advanced level of education.

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A gift distribution event took place in Karachi.

Food Distribution

saMas Charity has much concern for the need of food. Weekly food distribution is organized in the Multan Zone.

Soon the same program will start in the other zones as well.

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