Our Mission

To empower children from underprivileged backgrounds by providing them with access to quality education, fostering their intellectual growth, and equipping them with the tools they need to achieve their full potential and contribute positively to society.

saMas Charity Timeline

This timeline provides a chronological overview of the key milestones and achievements of saMas Charity since its inception in 2021. It outlines the organization’s growth and increasing reach domestically and internationally. 



General Questions

saMas Charity is an organization that provides educational support to underprivileged children.

In 2023, saMas Charity solidified its global reach by registering as an official organization in California, USA. This milestone marked a significant step forward in the organization's mission to provide educational opportunities to children worldwide.

saMas Charity has helped many children from underprivileged backgrounds get back into school and continue their education.

 We work closely with schools and local communities to identify the specific needs of children and tailor our support accordingly. We also conduct regular assessments to monitor student progress and make necessary adjustments.

saMas Charity provides a variety of educational support services to underprivileged children, such as:

  • Financial assistance for school fees and supplies
  • Tutoring and mentoring programs
  • Educational resources and materials

We provide a detailed breakdown of our budget allocation on demand, which includes how funds are spent on programs like tuition, books, uniforms, and extracurricular activities.

We have strict ethical guidelines and internal controls in place to prevent fraud or misuse of funds. Regular audits and internal reviews help maintain accountability and transparency.